Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008

Psycholinguistics in everyday life situations

Hi everybody!

Today only a short, but striking post:
We are supposed to find connections between the theory of our studies and situations in our everyday life. I thought that this is rather difficult, but today the theory became practice!

The following dialog between a fellow student and me took place:

A: What was the last book you've read?
B: Oh, I've read "Herr Lehmann" - but it wasn't as good as I had expected it.
A: I share your impression, but have you watched the film version?
B: No, not yet.
A: I've watched the film before reading the book. It was very funny, but the book was rather disappointing.
B: Your right, maybe I should have read the film before starting with the book...

So now, have you found the striking linguistic aspect?

It's in the last line. I should have read the film is the sentence where my fellow student produced a speech error in the form of a word revearsel. The technical term for this is slip-of-the tongue or Spoonerism. Such speech errors often create a comical effect.

See Yule (1996:166)

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